Tag Archives: voxfrock

A Shout Out to the RMIT Photography Students for Their Work at VAMFF

A team of “happy snappers” from my class at uni. worked during the Virgin Australia Fashion Festival week supplying images for www.voxfrock.com.au and theloupe.org. Many thanks, great work. More can be viewed at the VAMFF tag below.

Jenny Bannister -A Retrospective Fashion Show

Philip Boon in conjunction with Prahran Mission and Deutscher & Hackett hosted a spectacular fashion event to honour the legendary Australian Fashion Designer Jenny Bannister. Fashion journalist Janice Breen Burns interviewed Jenny before the show – www.voxfrock.com.au

A perfect day – Melbourne Cup visit 2013

Go to Voxfrock for Janice Breen Burns’ report from Fashions on the Field and more.