Category Archives: Royal Botanic Runway

A Shout Out to the RMIT Photography Students for Their Work at VAMFF

A team of “happy snappers” from my class at uni. worked during the Virgin Australia Fashion Festival week supplying images for and Many thanks, great work. More can be viewed at the VAMFF tag below.

One Day in the Park – The Spectacular Royal Botanic Runway

Ten hours, sixty models, a battalion of hair / make-up specialists, plus an army of volunteers, back stage crew and event professionals. Collette Dinnigan, Aurelio Costarella, Martin Grant and Akira Isogawa designed the clothes. David Shelmerdine and Co-Founder Geraidine Frater-Wyeth organised the occasion. Funds were raised in support of Melbourne’s magnificent 165 year old Royal […]

The Royal Botanic Runway- Snaps From the Fittings

For information visit