Thursday, November 24th, 2011
Air France presented a rare collection of flight attendant uniforms at the launch of an exhibition of celebrity photographs shot by Daniel Angeli in St.Tropez.Below the young Dustin Hoffman. Bikinis by KiWi of St.Tropez were flown in to set the mood. Accessories from Christine.
Friday, November 4th, 2011
Ebullient Fruche ambassador J.Alexander mets his match with the effervescent Lillian Frank AM MBE
Filed in Fashions on the Field, Melbourne Cup, Uncategorized
Tagged ann morrison, ashley hart, Emirites Airline, Fruche, Grant Gould, J.Alexander, Lavazza, Lillian Frank, Lisa Tan, Myer, Rebecca Judd, Richard Nylon, Robert Buckingham, Stefan Bartlett